Atlanta Comic Con is a comic book convention located in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Georgia World Congress Center. Featured are exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including comic books, magazines, toys, games, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, manga, cosplay, artwork, sketches and apparel. In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals, and comicdom-related celebrities are in attendance for attendees to meet and greet. As admission is kept reasonable for adults and FREE for children, the Atlanta Comic Con is a family-friendly convention.
Atlanta Comic Con 2021 Information
Atlanta Comic Con 2021
August 6-8, 2021
Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA, USA
Comic Convention
Organized by Imaginarium
Atlanta Comic Con is a comic book convention located in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Georgia World Congress Center. Featured are exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including comic books, magazines, toys, games, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, manga, cosplay, artwork, sketches and apparel. In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals, and comicdom-related celebrities are in attendance for attendees to meet and greet. As admission is kept reasonable for adults and FREE for children, the Atlanta Comic Con is a family-friendly convention.